Our journey ...
... and you become His Story
Easter Sunday, 2006, a small group of believers met for worship in a community center on 6th Avenue. The small congregation known as Beyond Grace Fellowship "camped" there for two years prior to purchasing the building at 10th and Freya.
The members of the congregation saw God bless and move in miraculous ways. The church had grown substantially when the founding pastor retired. The next pastor completed a remodel and moved the sanctuary to the previous fellowship hall.
Beyond became Living Grace Fellowship. During the Covid pandemic, an interim pastor, prompted by the Holy Spirit's calling, continued to present God's Word and wisdom. Today, the church thrives with new leadership and new members, under God's authority. Amen!
We invite you to become part of His story!
... we are ...
Living Grace Fellowship, a church that desires to serve all of Spokane and has a central location easily accessible from all parts of the city.
Living Grace Fellowship is committed to building a church around the receiving and the giving of the grace of God so that together, we all, experience the life-changing love of God.
Living Grace Fellowship is committed to building a church around the receiving and the giving of the grace of God so that together, we all, experience the life-changing love of God.
Join us for worship every Sunday at 10:00 am
Expanding the vision...
We live in a world where people display outrage at every turn. Yet God has shown grace in love and forgiveness through Jesus. Extending Grace to others is the posture that we take when we know Jesus. We unbend from the rigidness of unforgiveness, pride, spite and retribution. Extending Grace to others is the call we have from Jesus to stretch ourselves in His grace to show His love to the world.
Where we are headed ...
LIVING GRACE FELLOWSHIP exists to glorify God by making disciples: unconditionally loving, accepting and Extending Grace to people where they are in their journey, and encouraging a transformed life in Christ. Extending Grace means we share the truth about the penalty of sin which is spiritual death and the Good News of God's plan which is eternal life. Jesus is the only hope for the world.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:00 AM