Living Grace Fellowship Spokane

Ministry Groups

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17

Are you interested in joining a ministry group?


Navigator's "Design for Discipleship"

What does it mean to be a modern-day disciple of Jesus?  The Bible Study is a weekly co-ed group, devoted to observing Christ in the Bible, listening to Him with teachable hearts, and responding with obedience.  The Navigator's study guide offers interactive discussion-prompting questions and the group discuss their answers that inspire and nurture Christian maturity.  The time spent together is rich in God's Word and encourages dialogue and fellowship!  
The Bible study meets
Wednesday 6:00-7:00 pm
in the Fireside Room
at the church.

Women's Ministry


Women meet on Mondays at 1:30 PM in the Fireside Room.


Men's Ministry

The men's ministry currently consists of a weekly meeting for all men in the church.  Occasionally, the men also get together for good food and work parties at the church.

Each Monday afternoon, the men meet to discuss the previous day's sermon and other topics.  The fellowship is rich with encouragement and challenge as we interact with one another, listening, supporting, and spurring each other on to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24-25).  The men is open to all men who attend the church.

Besides the good eating and encouraging fellowship, we listen and respond to at least one's man's testimony to Christ.  We discuss how we came to the Lord, and how His Spirit has been working in us to mature our walk with Him.

Joining a men's group is an opportunity to exhibit biblical masculinity as well as sharpening each other in ones' walk in faith with Jesus Christ.  With humility and vulnerability we are able to share ones' experiences and lessons, thus we may even find treasures of wisdom.  We pray together, we edify each other, we even have the opportunity to share their burdens.  Being accountable with integrity and truth with other men empower us to be better husbands, fathers and disciples at the home or work place. 

Your adventure awaits.
Prayerfully consider joining a ministry group.